Call for applications for National Consultations aimed at developing a YPS National Action Plan

(YOUNG- Cameroon Project)

Youth Organisations’ Upraised Network for Growth and Peace in Cameroon (YOUNG- Cameroon)

About the Consultations

The national consultation on YPS is an initiative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education in collaboration with the organisation “Local Youth Corner Cameroon”, with the aim of implementing the “YOUNG-Cameroon” project financed by the European Union. This project aims to identify Youth Associations and Movements run by young people and serving young people in the ten (10) Regions of Cameroon in order to identify their needs, challenges and opportunities in promoting the participation of young people in peacebuilding in Cameroon. This consultation will also seek to adopt an inter-generational approach by collecting perspectives from Government, Local, Religious and Traditional authorities as well as development stakeholders. The consultation will serve as an initial baseline within the process of developing and implementing a national strategy on “youth, peace and security” in Cameroon. This consultation will also be building on existing data and efforts which have been made by Government and other Civil Society partners towards advancing peace and security in our country. To achieve this, the consultation will be conducted as follows:

  • One-day bilateral meetings with Government, Local, Traditional and Religious Authorities, and other development partners in each Region;
  • A one-day consultation with fifty (50) Youth Associations and Movements in each Region of Cameroon;
  • Compilation and presentation of findings of the consultation to serve as baseline for the implementation of the “Youth, Peace and Security” project.

Who are we looking for?

  • Young leaders of youth associations and movements, aged between 15-35
  • Youth associations and movements led by young people aged between 15 and 35 or at the service of young people ;
  • Champions of the “youth, peace and security”

About the YOUNG Cameroon Project

The Youth Organisations’ Upraised Network for Growth and Peace in Cameroon (YOUNG-Cameroon) is a youth-led initiative which seeks to increase young people’s contribution to and leadership in Peacebuilding processes in Cameroon. This initiative which is funded by the European Union is being implemented by Local Youth Corner Cameroon in collaboration with Search for Common Ground and the technical support of the Ministry of Youth   Affairs and Civic Education.

The rationale for the action, and how it seeks to produce a durable impact, is outlined in the following theory of change: youth-led peacebuilding organisations in Cameroon have increased capacities and platforms to operate, collaborate, and advocate effectively in a non-adversarial manner for the promotion of peace. If they can leverage these skills and platforms to participate in the development and implementation of the YPS agenda, by transforming people’s perceptions of the role of youth in Cameroon, then young people will play a more important role in strengthening social cohesion, peace and security in Cameroon. For a strengthened coalition of well-equipped, well-coordinated and diversified Youth Associations and Movements will operate as a credible stakeholder in advancing youth leadership and inclusion. This action will undoubtedly contribute to the overall impact of a consolidated, well-equipped and effective network of diverse Youth Associations and Movements working on Peace and Security in Cameroon.

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